Exposing Hope 2017 | Brandi Stewart

“[Hope means] life, love and always having a positive attitude.”

Brandi Stewart shared that her cancer experience has allowed to her to live life more freely and not worry about the small things.  Brandi explained that cancer was God’s way of using her as a testimony to help and encourage others, as well as letting people know that there is a life after cancer. 

She believed that cancer is not always a death sentence, and that the scars are there to remind you what you have overcome.  Brandi’s faith, family, and friends helped her conquer this roadblock. 

Brandi cherishes life now more than ever and recognizes God’s gift of a second chance at life.  She truly shows that, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.  Today, October 1st, 2017- Our inaugural Exposing Hope event- marks four years since Brandi’s double mastectomy.  She celebrates life to the fullest every day that she is alive.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Barbara Swann

“Hope is a better tomorrow.”

Barbara Swann, just one year into her breast cancer journey, admitted that she is “still figuring it out”.  She attributed her strength and support to her partner, who has stood by her side through this journey.

She shared that her support group and circle of friends have also been an incredible part of her journey.  Barbara proudly expressed that she’s truly blessed and grateful beyond words.

Barbara is a seven-month survivor and will celebrate her one year anniversary in March 2018.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Barbara Sohn

“Hope is that researchers find an early detection test.” 

Through Barbara Sohn’s diagnosis, and through significant Earlier.org- Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test®’s mission, Barbara is Exposing Hope by becoming more patient and understanding.  Barbara, a twenty-three-year survivor, shared that she no longer worries about the small things.