Exposing Hope 2017 | Edith Beasley
“Hope is faith holding out its hand in the darkness. Hope is the spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears. I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. I do not know what plans God has for the rest of my life, but I do know that wherever He takes me He will go there with me. That is what “Hope” means to me.”
Shortly after Edith Beasley’s retirement, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was not surprising to Edith because she previously lost three sisters to breast cancer and another sister was going through treatment again.
During Edith’s diagnosis, she experienced a feeling of calmness in the treatment room with her physician and husband. Her greatest concern was her husband and other loved ones that would be affected by her diagnosis. She knew she had to be strong.
Edith, a twenty-year survivor, hopes that being cancer free has made her more humble and grateful for each day. Edith is now more aware of those suffering from cancer and extends her compassion towards families who were not as lucky as hers.
Exposing Hope 2017 | Doris Tanger
“[Hope is] no more cancer.”
Doris Tanger shared that being a survivor has allowed her to help others with cancer. Doris has and continues to be philanthropic through financially supporting and giving of her time- a most valuable resource. Without a doubt, Doris has fulfilled a life overflowing with hope.
Doris is a forty-seven year survivor.
Exposing Hope 2017 | Brandi Stewart
“[Hope means] life, love and always having a positive attitude.”
Brandi Stewart shared that her cancer experience has allowed to her to live life more freely and not worry about the small things. Brandi explained that cancer was God’s way of using her as a testimony to help and encourage others, as well as letting people know that there is a life after cancer.
She believed that cancer is not always a death sentence, and that the scars are there to remind you what you have overcome. Brandi’s faith, family, and friends helped her conquer this roadblock.
Brandi cherishes life now more than ever and recognizes God’s gift of a second chance at life. She truly shows that, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Today, October 1st, 2017- Our inaugural Exposing Hope event- marks four years since Brandi’s double mastectomy. She celebrates life to the fullest every day that she is alive.
Exposing Hope 2017 | Barbara Swann
“Hope is a better tomorrow.”
Barbara Swann, just one year into her breast cancer journey, admitted that she is “still figuring it out”. She attributed her strength and support to her partner, who has stood by her side through this journey.
She shared that her support group and circle of friends have also been an incredible part of her journey. Barbara proudly expressed that she’s truly blessed and grateful beyond words.
Barbara is a seven-month survivor and will celebrate her one year anniversary in March 2018.
Exposing Hope 2017 | Barbara Sohn
“Hope is that researchers find an early detection test.”
Through Barbara Sohn’s diagnosis, and through significant Earlier.org- Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test®’s mission, Barbara is Exposing Hope by becoming more patient and understanding. Barbara, a twenty-three-year survivor, shared that she no longer worries about the small things.
Exposing Hope 2017 | Ann Pullium
Hope is the chance to try more, be more and do more. Hope is that there is something to strive for “right now” and “that’s not all”.
Ann’s breast cancer journey began on February 6, 2013 and she applauds Dr. Richard Cornella for her early diagnosis of Stage 1 breast cancer. Ann is grateful to the attention she received by Dr. Cornella and Solis Mammography. In addition, Ann had two dear friends that supported her: Theresa, also a survivor and Reuben, her big orange cat, both provided comfort and encouragement. Reuben had never slept on her bed throughout the night unil the night before her surgery. He slept next to her for a week post-surgery and returned to her bedside again the night before her second surgery. Ann confessed that she has no idea how Reuben knew she needed him, but he did.
Ann believes that being a survivor has made her more aware of making a difference. Likewise, she said if you have a bucket list, “get on with it!”
Ann is a four-year survivor.
Exposing Hope 2017 | Addy Jeffrey
“In my most difficult days, hope is the only thing that kept me going.”
When Addy Jeffrey, a remarkable survivor, entered the studio this summer it was immediately obvious that she is also doing her part in Exposing Hope. Addy’s breast cancer was obscured on a mammogram due to her dense breast tissue. Her determination led her to secure the support of the City of Greensboro's Commission on the Status of Women. With their help, Addy successfully advocated for the passage of the North Carolina Breast Density Notification Law in 2014. Now women receive a letter with breast density information as a result of Addy’s determination. Her commitment to enact a law requiring the information is transparent. It is now in effect in 30 states across the country.
Breast cancer may have impacted Addy; however, she’s impacting so many with her work.
Addy is a six-year survivor.
Blasting for Boobs
This annual women’s only clay shooting event
is hosted by Trish & Shane Naylor in loving
memory of Trish’s dear aunt Patsy Ridenhour at
Shane's Sporting Clays in Summerfield, North
Carolina. Trish is a member of the Board of
Directors of Earlier.org, Friends for an Earlier
Breast Cancer Test® and this event is a
testimony to her authentic commitment to this
organization and its mission.
Sherlock 5K
This exciting event, “The Sherlock 5K” is named after the chocolate lab whose playful
scratch led to the detection of Earlier.org, Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test®
founder, Martha Kaley’s breast cancer. Sherlock has since passed away, but what
better way to honor this best friend and raise awareness and critical research
funding for this very important cause than to host a K9-5K in his name? This event is
so much more than just a 5K. It is a day of fun and activities for the whole family,
including the 4-legged ones!
Have you heard about Earlier.org?
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