Exposing Hope 2017 | N'Kosi Campbell

“Hope to me means believing that anything and everything is possible.  It means regardless of the situation, there is always a way.  There is always an ending that we can affect and control.”

N’Kosi Campbell’s journey with breast cancer affords him the opportunity to view things differently.  He shared that life can be hectic, busy, painful, happy, loving, lonely, stressful and troublesome.  He continues that no matter the feelings of the moment or day, it’s a day that he’s living.  N’Kosi is beyond grateful and embraces how blessed he is to have another day to live.  He says it best, “Life is a range of emotions and adventures and we need to embrace them all”. 

N’Kosi is a three-year survivor.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Matilda Kirby-Smith

“[Hope is] living life with joy and compassion.”

Matilda Kirby-Smith shared that her diagnosis was a complete shock. Shortly after her diagnosis, Matilda felt guilty for spending the past thirty years in front of a computer while neglecting her health. 

Now, every morning, Matilda decides what exercise she will accomplish and completes it within the hour.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Mary Magrinat

“[Hope is] faith that I can meet the future head-on, whatever may come.”

Mary Magrinat, a thirty-one year survivor, was initially frightened by her breast cancer; however, her battle stimulated growth in other aspects of her life. 

Exposing Hope 2017 | Martha Turner


“Hope is not the journey, but an essential along the way.  A life without hope is like a dark night without a moonlit path.”

Martha Turner, a twenty-year survivor, shared that the support and love that she received from family, friends, and physicians helped her gain strength and courage to make difficult decisions and move on with her life.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Martha Kaley

“Hope is looking forward to more possibilities, more options and to greater things to create.”

Martha Kaley’s life plan changed direction with her breast cancer diagnosis.  Her journey led her to create a non-profit organization to generate funds for biological research to identify a better method to detect breast cancer.  She shared a story about Matilda, her guardian angel, who told her "You have been given a chance to be here, now what are you going to do with it?"  Martha believes that she was given a gift, clarity of purpose, through her experience with breast cancer.  She was given this gift and never looked back.

Hope, by definition, means to want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true.  Martha’s non-profit, Earlier.org strongly states that “HOPE ALONE IS NOT THE STRATEGY! HOPE requires action.”  

Martha’s dedication to an earlier biological test inspires many, heightens awareness and brings the breast cancer community together.  Her convictions are boundless and powerful, “Science is telling us what to do by giving us so many more possibilities, so many more options, and so many more things to create.  However, we must act!  We must embrace the possibilities, visualize the options, and take ownership of things that can be created.  HOPE ALONE IS NOT THE STRATEGY! ACTION SOLIDIFIES HOPE.”  

Martha’s chocolate lab, Sherlock, helped discover her breast cancer 25 years ago.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Margaret Bertrand

“[Hope is] moving forward in the face of fear and worry expecting an optimistic outcome.”

Margaret Bertrand’s diagnosis impacted her practically, professionally, and spiritually.  It forced her to face decisions and financial planning sooner than she expected.  Being a solo business owner, single parent and cancer survivor, Margaret is able to contribute to others’ hope by sharing her experiences with diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.  Margaret’s strong presence of a greater being became undoubtingly recognized and because of this her world became brighter. 

Exposing Hope 2017 | Lynn Smith

“[Hope is] a long and healthy life, an early detection test, and eradication of breast cancer.”

Lynn Smith shared that being a survivor of breast cancer has positively and negatively impacted her life.  Unfortunately, Lynn, a surgeon, still experiences some chemotherapy side effects which have forced her to shift careers.  On the other hand, Lynn’s support system from her family, her children’s school, community, church family, neighbors, and patients undoubtedly guided her through her battle. 

During her treatment, she was able to spend more time with her children and explore new career options and hobbies that she may not have discovered otherwise.  Lynn, a twelve-year survivor, hopes that no one will have to endure this disease.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Lynette Olifer

“Hope is like a warm, bright light that shines & guides you through each day.  You can’t have hope without faith.”

Exposing Hope through Lynette Olifer, it became clear that there are some powerful numbers in her story.  One.  Six.  and Eleven.  

One.  Lynette shared that there’s one very important relationship to which she attributes her hope, stamina and the success of her treatment.  The one she refers to is her relationship with God.  It’s transparent in knowing her story that her faith grew stronger and she re-prioritized her relationship with God.   Today, her faith today is very strong and continues to strengthen.  

Six.  Lynette shared that it was not a surprise when she was the sixth person in her family to be diagnosed with breast cancer.  Prior to her diagnosis, her mother and four aunts were diagnosed with breast cancer which elevated her chances.

Eleven.  A strong eleven years and counting as a survivor of breast cancer.  The history of breast cancer in Lynette’s family, including her own diagnosis, has motivated her to do what she can to find an earlier test.  

She doesn’t want anyone, especially her daughter, to be concerned about being diagnosed with this disease.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Laura Lomax

“[Hope is] our security in God alone.”

During Laura Lomax’s treatment, she received a great deal of support which she described as a supernatural kind of hope.  Although cancer frightened her, she had confidence that God would assure her security. 

Laura ultimately shared two important things that impacted her life during treatment.  First, her journey impacted her faith into something deep and immovable.  Her family, friends, and God ministered to her through her time of need.  Secondly, her experience brought attention and clarity to her priorities.  Laura began to adjust her work and home balance to give her patients the utmost care and spend the most time she could with her family. 

A month after Laura’s last radiation treatment, she began dating her amazing husband Phil.  They have been married for ten years.

Laura, a thirteen-year survivor, shared that there’s no need to spend time on unimportant problems when you realize life is finite.

Exposing Hope 2017 | Laura Brown

“Hope to me is praying for faster detection and cures for this deadly disease and that our future generations will be spared.”

Laura Brown is well acquainted with the impact of cancer.  In her profession, she’s personally witnessed countless people who have experienced the life-changing impact of a cancer diagnosis.  As a breast cancer survivor, Laura proclaims that she’s more aware and compassionate for others and their journeys with cancer.

Laura Brown is a twenty-two-year survivor this month, October 2017.